Standard Submission
Receive a standard rejection or approval decision, reviewed in the order the submission was received.
Priority Upgrade
Your submission will be prioritized above free submissions. Get a response within 24 hours.
Placement of your works in Artells Magazine (print and digital) and on our website (We post 2 photos from the same series on our website).
Posting to Instagram - only after choosing an editor - stories or posts.
Placement of your works in Artells Magazine (print and digital) and posting on Instagram stories or post (Depends on the editor's choice).
Back cover
Place your work on the cover of Artells Magazine. This is a guaranteed place to put your photos on the back cover, but only after your application is approved and accepted. The presented series should be cohesive.
Front cover
Place your work on the cover of Artells Magazine. This is a guaranteed place to place your photos on the front cover, but only after your application is approved and accepted. The presented series should be cohesive. In case of refusal, you will receive a full refund within 5-10 business days.
This is a guaranteed place to place your photos on the front cover, back cover, interview, posting in Instagram and webitorial but only after your application is approved and accepted. The presented series should be cohesive. In case of refusal, you will receive a full refund within 5-10 business days.
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Included if accepted:·
· Back Cover
· Cover Tearsheet
· Interview
· Publication In The Artells Magazine (Print And Digital)
· Priority Tearsheets: 30 days